Anyone from France?

As salamou alykoum wa RahmatuLlahi wa Barakatuh !

I wonder if anyone of you live in France. Indeed, Halal investments here are not as common as in the US or the UK…
Besides, I am ready to start investing insha Allah but I don’t know which broker platform I should choose, do you have any suggestions ?

Baarak Allahoufikoum !

As salam Aleykoum,
You can chose Degiro the fees are one of the lowest un FRance.

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Degiro charge interest in case of negative interest. Based on my understanding it’s not shariah compliant. Allah o a3lam

Otherwise there is trade republic. You can cancel the 2% remuneration on your cash by sending an email.

Waalaykum Assalam wa Rahmatu-ALLAH wa Barakatuh,

From my modest experience, the best option for you in terms of fees and the offering of Islamic ETFs and individual stocks would be Interactive Brokers. let me know if I can help

Salam Alaykoum

Bourse direct have the lowest fees. This broker is regulated by the french autority “AMF”.

But before looking for a broker, you should look taxes because France is a soviet country. If you still living in France for the long term, you should look at “Plan epargne action”. This is a specific account used to reduce taxes. You can also use life insurance to invest in stocks.

If you will quit France, you will maybe have to pay an exit tax and pay more taxes for french stocks dividends.
