Trading 212 now available in beta

Based on popular demand, we’ve added Trading 212 to our list of supported brokers, now available for users in 30+ countries including the UK, Australia, and most of Europe.

You can now sync your Trading 212 accounts with Zoya to seamlessly track your portfolios, monitor shariah compliance, calculate zakat, and access all the powerful features Zoya has to offer.

Please note that trading functionality is not available at this time.

To get started:

  1. Make sure you have the latest version of Zoya installed
  2. Go to your Trading 212 account and generate an API key (instructions here)
  3. In Zoya, go to the Portfolio tab and tap “Link a brokerage account”
  4. Search for Trading 212 from the list of brokers
  5. Enter your API key and follow the instructions to complete the linking process

As this is a beta release, we’d love to get your feedback. If you run into any issues, please let us know by replying to this post or emailing us at

Currently connected, no issues so far - there is a time delay in data being connected but not an issue as far as I can see

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