Salaam, new here! I saw somewhere that we can connect our Zoya accounts with our Trading 212 accounts - is this true and if so, how does it work please?
Salaam, new here! I saw somewhere that we can connect our Zoya accounts with our Trading 212 accounts - is this true and if so, how does it work please?
Salaam, and welcome @TK2828!
Yes, we do support Trading 212 in Zoya. Here’s how to set it up:
That’s it!
Thank you - this was working fine previously, but I have been having trouble syncing my Zoya account with my Trading 212 today. I followed the instructions and got the API key. It seemed to work but I get a ‘sync failed’ error. Please can you help?
(post deleted by author)
Same issue … it doesn’t work unfortunately.
All acces granted + copy pasted API Key .
I tried multiple times but I keep getting the message saying that credentials are wrong.